Thursday, June 12, 2008

Webservices in C#


A web service allows a site to expose programmatic functionality via the Internet. Web services can accept messages and optionally return replies to those messages.

More About Web Services

Today's sites already expose functionality that allows you to do things such as query a database, book an airline reservation, check the status of an order, etc, but there is no consistent model for allowing you to program against these sites. Web Services can be invoked via HTTP-POST, HTTP-GET and the Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP). SOAP is a remote procedure call protocol and specification developed by a group of companies including Microsoft and DevelopMentor. SOAP is based on broadly adopted Internet standards such as XML and typically runs over HTTP

For more information on SOAP please see the SOAP specification on MSDN. Visual Studio.NET will be the formal shipping vehicle for creating rich web services on the .Net platform. With the release of Visual Studio.NET( you will be able to create web services using ASP.NET and any language that targets the common-language runtime (CLR) or ATL Server and unmanaged C++. ATL Server is a collection of ATL (Active Template Library) classes that aid the C++ developer in writing native, unmanaged ISAPI extensions and filters.

Modules and Handlers

Instead of the .aspx file extension of an ASP.NET Web page, web services are saved in files with the extension of .asmx. Whenever the ASP.NET runtime receives a request for a file with an .asmx extension, the runtime dispatches the call to the web service handler. This mapping is established in the section of the config.web files for the machine and individual applications. Config.web files are human-readable, XML files that are used to configure almost every aspect of your web applications.

Handlers are instances of classes that implement the System.Web.IHTTPHandler interface. The IHTTPHandler interface defines two methods, IsReusable and ProcessRequest. The IsReusable method allows an instance of IHTTPHandler to indicate whether it can be recycled and used for another request. The ProcessRequest method takes an HttpContext object as a parameter and is where the developer of a HTTP handler begins to do his work. A particular handler ultimately services inbound requests that are received by the ASP.NET runtime. After a handler is developed, it is configured in the config.web file of the application. A typical config.web file for a machine will have lines similar to the ones below:

< add verb="*" path="*.asmx" type="System.Web.Services.Protocols.WebServiceHandlerFactory, System.Web.Services" validate="false" />

section states that for all requests (HTTP verbs such as GET, POST, PUT), if the file being requested has the extension of .asmx, create an instance of the WebServiceHandlerFactory, which lives in the System.Web.Services.dll assembly. If the administrator wanted this handler to only accept the GET verb, he would change the verb property to verb="Get".

Handlers accept requests and produce a response. When the HTTP runtime sees a request for a file with the extension of .aspx the handler that is registered to handle .aspx files is called. In the case of the default ASP.NET installation this handler will be System.Web.UI.PageHandlerFactory. This is the same way in which .asmx files are handled. For the default ASP.NET installation, web services are handled by System.Web.Services.Protocols.WebServiceHandlerFactory.

With this custom handler, ASP.NET is able to use reflection and dynamically create an HTML page describing the service's capabilities and methods. The generated HTML page also provides the user with a way in which to test the web methods within the service. Another advantage of ASP.NET is in publishing Web Service Definition Language (WSDL) contracts.

WSDL is an XML-based grammar for describing the capabilities of web services. WSDL allows a web service to be queried by potential consumers of your service - you can think of it as an XML-based type library made available via the web. For output to be generated, one must only make a HTTP request to the web service file passing in sdl in the querystring

SDL is an XML-based grammar for describing the capabilities of web services. SDL allows a web service to be queried by potential consumers of your service-you can think of it as an XML-based type-library made available via the web. For output to be generated, one must only make a HTTP request to the web service file passing in sdl in the querystring

(e.g. http://locahost/services/myservice.asmx ). Another nice aspect of the web service handler is that it creates a simple test web page for your services. This test page allows you to confirm that everything is working with your web service without having to write your own test client.

Continued on Webservice-Part 2