Thursday, March 28, 2019

Creating Azure Web app through Azure CLI

Main topic : Develop Azure Platform as Service Compute Solutions

Subtopic :
Create Azure App Service  - Web app

Azure CLI is command line platform to manage the Azure resources , the command syntax are very relevant for non Microsoft technologies developer those are familiar with Node.js , bash ,ssh command and python shell programmings. Its often very useful for scripting and automation purpose.

For managing the Azure resources quickly you can also install it on your windows machine and connect to Azure account as PowerShell Command. The main advantage of the Azure CLI is , its very interactive. At any point you can type the Az -h or you can also install the az interactive (extension) on your command prompt [ Screen attached]

You can download the Azure CLI for Windows, macOS and Linux  from this link.

 Once you installed it , you are ready connect and manage your resource.Go to your prompt

> type az account

It will open the browser and prompt you to login into your Azure account. Once its successful , you will see the output in JSON format which contains the subscription details.
Before we create the web app in Azure app, the resource group is the main hierarchy , here is the syntax for creating the resource group

To Create the Resource Group, type the following comment

>type az group create --name "resourcegroupname" --location "Central India"

T delete the group

>> type az group delete --name "resourcegroupname"

It will take few minute with loading comment "Running...."

Now we create tne App Service Plane

C:\>az appservice plan create --name "murugesanreg" --resource-group "murugesanreg" --sku free --location "central india"

So I have resource group and app service name. Now I can create the web app.

C:\> az webapp create --name "murugesanwebapp2" -g "murugesanreg" --plan "murugesanreg"