Monday, May 11, 2020

ASP.NET Core application deploy to Azure

Deploying the ASP.NET application from Visual Studio to Azure is very simple and straight forward. All you need to do is just click next button on each GUI wizard once you logged into your azure subscription.
But this is not the case, if you are developing the web or MVC application using the Visual Studio Code. 
To complete this, you must have local git installed on your machine with internet connection.

Go to your App Service "Over view" page

Copy the Git clone URL
On your local machine navigate to your project folder in command prompt or terminal
on project folder location (in command prompt) type :\ git init
Now type 
git  remote add azure
Once it successful, type 
git  commit -m "First push"
git push azure master
Now you can able to see your ASP.NET core application in Azure.