Thursday, May 21, 2020

Upgrading latest NodeJS in ubuntu

In this post, I am listing the steps I have followed on my Ubuntu 18.04 to upgrade the latest NodeJS for Angular development purpose.
On my machine, it shows the default node version that is v8.
To develop the Angular application, you must have installed the latest version of NodeJS ( > 10.13.0 ) and NPM (6.11.0).

Tp Upgrade to latest NodeJS in Ubuntu 18.04 , follow these step

sudo npm cache clean -f
sudo npm install -g n
sudo n stable

Still you want to latest version other than stable version, use this command
sudo n latest

After successful of the above commands, now you can check node -v command to verify the latest version. Now I have latest version of npm and nodeJS.

After this, AngularCLI got installed successfuly and able to create angular application.